Home Kills Pricing & Forms
Your only certified High St Butchery to provide a full paddock to plate experience, with our own full on property slaughter service, performed by our own home kill team.
We can Arrange for your animal to be uplifted and taken to our facility to be humanly put to rest if you would prefer
animals would be given a minimum two days to relax at our place before being put to rest.
If you would like your meat to be processed at a commercial abattoir let us know we can arrange this as well. Your animal would go through full veterinarian inspection process.
Pricing for additional Home Kills processing
Minimum 5kg
Plain Gluten free - $6.75/kg
Gluten Free Pork $6.75/kg
Lamb Gluten Free $6.75/kg
Flavoured - From $7.35/kg
$19.50 each either Loin , streaky , leg or shoulder
Turn your bones and fore hocks into bacon bones $15 per pig
Family Size Deep Dish $13.90each Min 4
Pie for Two $8.50each Min 6
Steak and Cheese
Pork MincePie
Venison Steak Pie
$6/kg Min 4 KG
$6/kg Free flow
Gourmet Patties Bourbon, Texan, Smokey Maple Chipotle, $8 Hand pressed and layer packed.
Pre Cooked sausages free flow
Sausage Flavours
Please specify if GF
- Pork and Herb GF
- Irish pork GF
- Texan Chilli GF
- Merlot and Cracked pepper GF
- Tomato and Basil GF
- Lamb and Mint GF
- Garlic and Herb GF
- Chorizo GF
- Big Mac GF
- Bratwurst and Fennel GF
- Apple and Cider GF
- Mexican Jalapeno GF
- Madras GF
Rolled roasts
Add $3.50/kg
Extra sheep process
All boning and steak work $3.50 per kg this includes Vac Packing and also includes Racks etc
$30 Leg whole
$35 halved and packaged separately.
$14.00 per kg wet weight
Bier Stix $14.00 per Kg (wet weight)
Flavours Danish Italian, Pepperoni, extra pepper or chilli please just ask.
Option 1 (best simple Value)
$75 Per sheep, 3 or more sheep $65 per sheep
2-Frenched Hind Shanks Vac Packed
1-Whole Leg Vac Packed
1-3/4 Leg Vac Packed
1-Boneless Rump Roast Vac Packed
All Loins into Chops Vac Packed in 4’s
2-Rolled Shoulder Roasts
5kg Min Lamb Herb and Garlic Sausages Packed in 6’s
(We will top up lamb trim with shoulder meat if required)
All sheep above 30kg will incur $2per kg above 30 kg surcharge
I.e. 35 kg sheep on the hook dressed (skinned gutted etc)$75 + $10 total cost $85
Option 2
full selection on sheep form $45 Dollar base rate,
with additional charges as stated in pricing.as per option 1 sheep over 30kg will be charged a $2 per extra kg surcharge.
All cuts Vac packed Sausages wrapped in 6's
- Rolling
- Pies
- Sausages
- Stuffing
- Marinade
- French Racks
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